Interview Pointers

Elaborate in the interview.  You don’t need it all on your resume.  
Ask Questions
At the beginning you can say,  “anything not getting done now that you would like to see done?” and then apply your experience to that answer
At the end you can inquire, “any reasons I may not be a fit for this role?”  Then you can quell any objections or obstacles on the spot. More tips:
  • Arrive 15 minutes early.
  • Clarify ambiguous questions.
  • Answer the specific question that is asked by restating the question in your response.
  • don’t ramble or give long explanations keep it short and to the point.
  • Seek to have the interviewer describe the position and its responsibilities early in the interview. Then, relate your skills, strengths and background to the position as much as possible throughout the interview.
  • Fully explain your qualifications. Stress accomplishments that are most pertinent to the job. Remember past successes are an example of how you will achieve future successes in your new role.
  • Anticipate tough questions. Be ready to answer why you left or want to leave your current and past roles.  Be sure and not make it too negative.  Advance preparation can turn apparent weaknesses into strengths.
  • Dress appropriately in attire that aligns with the company’s corporate culture.
  • Ask thoughtful questions.  An interview is a mutual exchange of information, not a one-sided monologue.
  • Listen carefully.  This can be the difference between landing the job and not. Concentrate on the interviewer’s words, tone of voice and body language to understand his or her style and pattern your answers accordingly.
  • Utilize “we/us” not “I/me” to emphasize you are a team player.
  • Talk about past successes.  Remember past success in a job means future success to the employer
  • Prioritize what’s important. Priority Lists are going to look different for each job seeker. Start with the basics. What do you value most? Is it financial compensation? Do you prefer salary or commission? How important is office flexibility? Do you prefer to work from the office, from home or a hybrid situation? Is it company culture? Maybe it’s benefits and insurance. Or perhaps you want to move from a small firm to a large corporation. Rank these job elements to better refine your search.  Remember there are many ways to structure a deal so be as open and flexible as you are able.