Why you should use a recruiting firm…

Why you should use a recruiting firm…

Here’s how we can help your company find remarkable talent. We have access: As professionals entrenched in the retail/wholesale and POP industry, we have connections and access to both on and off-market candidates. Our database has been created over 20 years in the business. We move quickly: Every day that a position remains unfilled, current employees at your company are stretched beyond their capacity. We have a sense of urgency and the time it takes.

Interview Pointers

Elaborate in the interview.  You don’t need it all on your resume.     Ask Questions   At the beginning you can say,  “anything not getting done now that you would like to see done?” and then apply your experience to that answer   At the end you can inquire, “any reasons I may not be a fit for this role?”  Then you can quell any objections or obstacles on the spot. More tips:.

The Future is Calling…

Are you going to answer?  Are you tempted to pull the covers over your head and just not face reality?  I get it.  Retail is tough.  It was never easy but there is more change going on then we can handle sometimes.  I just cleaned out my files and it was sad how many companies are out of business.  But, everybody has their day in the sun and there are some new, exciting changes.

Has the Retail Bubble Burst?

Yes and No are my answers. I like to think the glass is half full. I believe in retail stores. I believe in shopping. I have made a career out of it. That experience of walking in to the store, checking out the latest trends and buying something new and different will never change. But with our busy lives convenience comes first. To make a purchase and have it show up at your door.


“PICKY, PICKY, PICKY…” I know that this is the recruiter’s lament. Is it just us or have our clients gotten so picky? Be reassured it’s not just us. When I was recruiting in the Clinton years it was like shooting ducks in a barrel. Why? Because there was a ton of jobs to fill and very few candidates to fill them with. Recruiting was fun, back in the day, because our clients were willing.

4 tips to being a Market Master in Recruiting

ENTREPRENEURSHIP, THE BUSINESS OF RECRUITING 4 Tips to Becoming a Market Master by Shelle Orlansky on March 3, 2015, 3:32 am in the Fordyce Letter First tip is, have you worked in your industry? It’s very important to walk the walk and talk the talk. I have been in retail all my life– salesperson, manager, owner, buyer and recruiter. When someone asks me for a DMM I know that means a Divisional Merchandise Manager,.

Is Technology Killing Recruiting? Part 2

Is technology killing recruiting? All us savvy recruiters in house and outside search agencies as well use Linked In and other social media. I just asked you above to follow me on Linkedin! It has vastly increased my network. If you can’t beat em join em, right? But we have to remember that e-mail and online recruiting are making us lazy. What happened to the art of picking up the phone and talking with.

Is Technology Killing Recruiting?

I hate to break the news to all the companies out there…but all I hear from candidates is “I tried to go online and post my resume but it just didn’t work.” Or “I couldn’t navigate the site” or “I think I sent it but I’m not sure?” Liz Ryan wrote an article in Forbes that “we took a craptastic 1940’s process and we simply threw the sucker online.” I have to agree with.